Sunday, 24 April 2011

High-quality WordPress Themes Collected Randomly

A typical Los Angeles real estate blog should cover L.A.’s new homes, condos, and real estate gossip with only facts and figures that can truly make sense. This template looks scrappy but in a pleasing way.

This blog theme is free to use and compatible with WordPress system. So applying it to your old blog or create a new one based on it should be as easy as a breeze.

Angels Land

Demo | Download

Holiday time in Kansas City brings on plenty of food, movie, and music festivals throughout the city. The Kansas Street Blues Festival is a must for music lovers. A strong Irish influence in the city brings on the Kansas City Irish Fest every year. The three-day Spirit Festival at Penn Valley Park is the best place to be where dancing, music, and fireworks thrill a 200,000 strong crowd.

Let the world know about the Spirit Festival in Kansas City through your musings in a blog. Here are some nice holiday blog templates from us.

Joyous Atmosphere

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Are you a sports lover? In Cincinnati, Ohio a number of sports is played. Ohio Sport Time discusses the major happenings in sports in the city. There are many sports team here as well. The Queen City hosts a huge number of talents in sports of all sorts!

If you are an ardent lover of sports, do create a blog to talk about your experience in Cincinnati. And our template will be of great help.


Demo | Download

Embrace the best part of Anaheim. Discover the city’s marvelous lifestyle by keeping a record of all its colorful events, even if you are just taking a few days on vacation.

Morning coffee and a careless walk in the parks, you will know when you get the city beat.

Lifestylist Anaheim

Demo | Download

Are you in some serious trouble in Charlotte, NC? It is the right place where you can get the best lawyers. You can get help in different sections of law like criminal law, employment law, bankruptcy, and many others. Some of the important law firms are Law Offices of Michael A. DeMayo, Schwilm Law Firm, Arnold and Smith PLLC, Law Offices of Douglas H. Kim.

Wish to write a blog about law services in Charlotte, NC? Try writing it now. Our templates on law can prove to be very handy!

Legal Help

Demo | Download

Detroit is a hotbed for real estate investment with a number of beautiful homes available downtown and in the suburbs of Ferndale and Royal Oak as well. An array of traditional homes, town homes, lofts, and apartments make up most of Detroit’s real estate market. The luxurious neighborhood of Grosse Pointe has some of the most stunning historic homes in the city.

Blog about real estate options in Detroit, Michigan. Use a real estate blog template to ‘build’ on your story.

Real Estate Hotbed

Demo | Download

We don’t know under the full blossom of internet marketing around the whole world, if Silicon Valley still takes the same important place in this Internet industry as it used to do. To be more exact, maybe there are silicon valley everywhere.

Blogging is vigorous and challenging. That’s what this theme wants to convey. What a perfect option for your blogs!

Silicon Valley Everywhere

Demo | Download

Many movie theaters are there in Miami, FL. Movies are released throughout the year. Some of the recent releases are Kick Ass, Nightmare on Elm Street Remake, Alpha and Omega. Movies of different genres like horror, action, comedy, adventure are featured in the theaters of Miami. Movie theaters are well constructed and luxurious.

Want to write something about the movies and theaters in Miami? Try to blog about it. Miami movie theme templates here are useful.

Newly Released

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Jacksonville is noted for its entertainment and performing arts. The Florida Theatre is located in downtown Jacksonville. Other important names are Theatre Jacksonville, Ritz Theater, The Alhambra Dinner Theatre are located in different places of Jacksonville.

If you have visited the places of entertainment in Jacksonville, create blogs to write about them. While writing, take help of our Jacksonville templates.

Florida Theatre

Demo | Download

Sometimes, there is kind of random or irrational connection between two things. Whenever Scarlett, the classical line “tomorrow is another day” or Gone with Wind has been mentioned, the first word come to my mind is Atlanta. Though the novel dates back the 1930s, it still inspires curiosity about Atlanta and the Southern way of life.

This Atlanta template is compatible with the latest WordPress version and of course, backward compatible. Coming with threaded comments and a couple of other useful settings and tested on major web browsers.

Gone with Atlanta

Demo | Download

Wedding in Milwaukee, Wisconsin is a dazzling event. Some of the best wedding sites are these Wisconsin wedding mall, etc. There are several resources based in Milwaukee that provide for services related to organizing weddings in Milwaukee. You can get all the assistance related to wedding photographers, wedding dresses, caterers, florists, etc.

Share your wedding story in Milwaukee with other couples through a blog and make your event more memorable.

The Purest

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Boston, MA is perfect for a short-period holiday as it’s quite a compact city. Almost all the sought-after attractions can be availed within walking distance. You can just take your time, enjoy the city’s amazing historic beauty, and spend your vacation enjoyably and pleasantly.

Get your interesting holiday stories posted with the help of our Boston holiday theme.

Boston Way Up

Demo | Download

Honolulu Hawaii is one of the best places to travel. There are many places to sightsee in the city. Waikiki beach is one of them. Have a look at all the top attractions of the city. Honolulu is every traveler’s paradise.

Create a blog to share your memorable traveling experience. Our Honolulu travel based templates can offer great help!

Travelers Paradise

Demo | Download

Today we are glad to release Notepad Chaos — a free professional WordPress-theme. The theme has 2 columns, a quite vibrant design including “personal” design elements such as handwritten headings, stick-it-notes, clips and pins. The theme was designed by Evan Eckard especially for Smashing Magazine and its readers.

Notepad Chaos

Demo | Download

Louisville, Kentucky is one of the most attractive destinations for tourists with its Ohio River, and Jockeys’ Quarters being the most favorite spots. You can get all the important information related to prime tourist attractions, major landmarks, transportation and car rental services available in the city, dining places and entertainment places through the city travel guide.

Have a try on our templates and own your special blog to share your travel experience in Louisville.


Demo | Download

Gambling bugs creep up at night and the only place that offers medicinal help is the Sin City. I’m just joking but besides the bling-bling of coins, Las Vegas has a bunch of entertainment options not just to kill time, but enjoy time.

Hey this blog template is not supposed to be persuading people to gamble with their money. It just shows what Las Vegas is about.

Gambling Bug

Demo | Download

These themes are fit for your tastes? Here are the source liks, form which you can search more beautiful wordpress theme. You can also collect the websites for your needs in the future!

Angels Land Source Link
Joyous Atmosphere Source Link
Running Source Link
Lifestylist Anaheim Source Link
Legal Help Source Link
Real Estate Hotbed Source Link
Silicon Valley Everywhere Source Link
Newly Released Source Link
Florida Theatre Source Link
Gone with Atlanta Source Link
The Purest Source Link
Boston Way Up Source Link
Travelers Paradise Source Link
Notepad Chaos Source Link
Backpacker Source Link
Gambling Bug Source Link

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